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Residential Appliances

Please review complete documentation provided for each appliance. For more information on appliance rebates contact the Energy Services Specialist, Anita Clever 509-773-7622


Clothes Washer and Dryer 

Requirements: These measures are available for all types of residential buildings (single-family, manufactured and multifamily). The new appliance must be ENERGY STAR qualified. See Reate Packet for more details on combination units rebate allowance.

• Clothes Washers must be ENERGY STAR qualified.
• Clothes Dryers must be electric and ENERGY STAR qualified.
Appliance        Rebate
 Clothes Washer: Any Energy Star                         $75.00
 Clothes Dryer: Any Energy Star  $75.00

  Washer_Dryer Rebate Packet


Heat Pump Water Heaters (Unitary and Split-Systems)

Heat pump water heaters that qualify for rebates depend on approval based on the (1) our Qualified Products List and (2) installed, according to manufacturer's specifications. This measure can be self-installed or the installer must have received installation training from the manufacture of the installed equipment, if available.

Minimal qualifications:
Are available for existing single-family homes and manufactured home. New construction does not qualify.

Product must be listed on our Qualified product list (posted below) 
Appliance Spec   Rebate
Unitary HPWH   40 Gallon $700 
Unitary HPWH  Tier 3 - 50 gallon and above  $800
Unitary HPWH  Tier 4 - 50 gallon and above  $900
Split-System HPWH  Any size  $1100

Heat Pump Water Heater rebate Packet
HPWH Qualified Product List_111824